Friday, November 18, 2011

Time Has Flown!

I do apologize for not writing any blogs lately.

Lots of things have happened. 

I have a 5 song EP coming out that I have worked hard on, but my producer even harder. It is a true labor of love right now as neither one of us has seen a penny. Please buy the music.

The other is that I have decided to leave the man I was married to for almost 10 years. It was a source of stress for me. Without going into detail, things were on life support for so long that it was time to pll the plug. I go into some of the details in a song on the EP called "Overtime". We are separated right now and as soon as we can muster the funds, the court system will surely know of our intentions. Turst me, I will have plenty to write about in musical form.

I might go on tour sometime next year with the rest of the Soundwire family. They have been nothing but a source of love and support for me and I hope one day to return that favor. Those guys have been more faithful to me the short time we have been a family than the man I married. I am so glad to count them as blessings in my life. Nelson, Chaiz, Jaron, Jordan and Troy (alongside wives and children and Vanessa and Jamie and Christy), I love each and every one of you and appreciate each one of your contributions to my life and art!

The holidays are fast approaching. I hope to finally let my family in on my music. Right now, this has been a secret life of sorts. It will be nice to let the cat out when they get their CD under the Christmas tree.

Back to the tour. I am going to begin working out with the Wii so I can be in good shape. The rigors of the road are not for the weak-hearted or weak-bodied, so it's off to the fitness routine for me!

I was watching on VH1 Classic a special called "Metal Evolution". What a lesson I am getting. I only watched the first hour, but it was chock full of education for me about what is known as heavy metal music. I highly recommend watching it, even to non-metal people (of which I am not a member...metal chick I am)!

This has been a random rambling. I will be more focused next time.
